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Network Marketing ProspectsFinding MLM ProspectsSo we have established that not everyone is your Network Marketing Prospect. If that is the case, how do you go about finding MLM prospects? Remember what I said about how people are searching the internet for solutions to their problems? Simply speaking, you need to position yourself so that people find you. The truth is, if you tap into the power of the Internet and truly understand how people use the internet to find information, you will never have to go looking for network marketing prospects again. I know, that sounds like an exaggerated claim. I thought that when I first read it. Believe me though, it is possible. If you are reading this page, then you have found the information I have posted on the internet. You may not be interested in my business opportunity buy you have found me and I hope that some of what you are reading strikes a chord with you. Just think for a moment about how you found me. Maybe you did a google search looking for some information? If you came direct to this page you may have searched for a term such as network marketing prospects or network marketing prospect or something related to that. If you did, that is exactly what this page was intended to do. I positioned myself so that someone searching for information on network marketing prospects found me on the internet. I am guessing that by searching for that information you are looking for a way to find network marketing prospects? As I said before, you need to position yourself so that they find you! Not through traditional network marketing ads but by using the new online networking model which incorporates the attraction marketing model. Attraction marketing teaches you to present your business opportunity in such a way that it attracts people looking for a solution. This may be by focussing on the benefits of the products you sell attracting people to you that are looking for a solution that your products answer. It may be by focussing on the problems that other people experience with their uplines or traditional network marketing training Attraction marketing teaches you to present yourself on the internet in such a way that you establish credibility and trust with your potential customers first. Building a rapport with people and speaking from a position of knowledge will do more for developing your business than any other one thing. People go into business with people that they can relate to, like and trust. Most people will not join a business just for what the business can do for them, but what their upline can do for them. Network marketing recruiting then becomes a formality.
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